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Benefits of Membership


The Institute of Power Engineers provides:

• A unified voice for Power Engineers
• Public awareness of the role played by the Power Engineer in our increasingly energy-dependent economy
• Scholarships
• Safety presentations, training and tours
• Job postings
• Social events

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  • Benefits Brochure

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    IPE Toronto Forum




    The executive of the British Columbia Institute of Power Engineers invite every Power Engineer to become a BCIPE member today, to participate in the future planning and grow with us.


    Regular Member


    Membership may be held by persons holding a Canadian Provincial or Federal Power Engineer Certificate recognized by the Institute, and who have qualified according to the Membership Acceptance Standards as set by the Institute, and who have paid the initiation fee and dues provided for in Operational Memo MM/3. With reference to the BCIPE constitution Section four, 4.1 states, “Members who hold a valid Power Engineer’s Certificate of Competency issued by the British Columbia Boiler Safety Association, and who have met the required membership standards of the BCIPE, shall be entitled to use the professional designation of, PE”


    Student Member


    The BCIPE branches may undertake and organize a Student Association at a secondary educational institute which offers full time Power Engineering programs within the branch's jurisdiction. The intent of a Student Organization is as follows: The BCIPE branches may undertake and organize a Student Association at a secondary educational institute which offers full time Power Engineering programs within the Branch’s jurisdiction. The intent of a Student Organization is as follows: • Extend the benefits of BCIPE membership to Student Members. • Increase the visibility of the BCIPE with Power Engineering students. • Enable and encourage Students Members to organize and administer the Association, for their own benefit and development. • Encourage full time Power Engineering students to become Student members. • Retain Student members as regular BCIPE members after their graduation.


    Associate Member


    Associate Membership may be held by any person engaged in any profession or industry allied with the Power Engineering Profession and who has qualified according to the Membership Acceptance Standards. These members will in all respects be equal to and enjoy the same privileges as Members.


    Corporate Member


    Corporate Membership may be held by any corporation which chooses to pay the membership fees and dues of at least five employees. Each such employee will be considered a Member in his or her own right. These Members will in all respects be equal to and enjoy the same privileges as other Members. The corporation will not retain any rights of membership in its own name.

    Send application to our membership coordinator: Membership Coordinator